- Race Day: 03 5983 9430
- info@balnarringraces.com
- Gates Open: 10:00 am
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A message from Terry Mulcahy - President
The following information was received from Racing Victoria late yesterday and we pass it on to keep you advised …
Racing Victoria [ RV ] in consultation with Country Racing Victoria [CRV ] and the country clubs involved , wish to advise of a series of changes to the country racing calendar in October and November 2020 owing to the COVID-10 pandemic
All picnic meetings from Saturday 24 October [the scheduled commencement of the 2020-21 picnic racing season] up to and including Saturday 7 November have been cancelled which will affect meetings at Alexandra, Healesville, Mansfield and Balnarring.
In making today`s announcement, RV and CRV have confirmed that the cancelled meetings will not be rescheduled to another date within the 2020-21 racing season.
They have also advised that decisions on whether picnic race meetings scheduled from Saturday, 14 November onward proceed will be made closer to the date of each when more information is available regarding the ability of any crowds to attend and the COVID-19 case numbers at the time.
This is disappointing news to pass on to you but for safety sake we must follow the directive. Thank you all for your continued support of the club and we look forward to seeing you all ‘at the picnics’ in the near future.
Stay safe.
OTI Racing & Bloodstock
Similar to our sponsors, our community partners assist the Club to provide a family focused picnic racing experience during the summer months.
Guest Judges: Kay Mathieson, Erica Macpherson and Felicity Northeast
Co-ordinators: Narelle Archibald and Kim O’Neill
Event Host: Narelle Archibald
The Balnarring Picnic Racing Club would like to thank its volunteers, staff, service providers, Racing Victoria officials and Country Racing Victoria who make all our meetings safe and family friendly events conducted in the true spirit of picnic racing.
Thanks to the dedicated owners and trainers who brought their horses to Balnarring this year and to the jockeys who rode them.
We could not have achieved the results we did without the support of our members and the racing public through your attendance at our meetings.